Yoga with the Rising Sun

This year's national conference came with an added treat - morning yoga! Yes, yes, I'm a Pilates girl, but I've got nothing against yoga. Starting the day with sun salutations, against the beautiful Denver sunrise was both calming and invigorating.  Yoga wakes the body up and gets the mind going. Think of how good this could be for productivity! It's a great way to get going in the morning and the effects carry on throughout the day. Plus, yoga is just good overall.

Truthfully, I was very non-committal to waking up an hour earlier for yoga, but planning to meet up with a few co-workers got me going. Partnering up with friends and co-workers is a great way to get started and keep going with yoga, or any workout plan. Mornings are best, but I typically prefer mid-day workouts. Think about your routine and be honest with yourself about your tendencies. Plan around that when getting going with your workouts. And try something different to mix it up. I really enjoyed mixing things up with Yoga. 

I enjoyed so much so that I followed it up with a session back home in Indy at Invoke Studio. They are amazing - and they do Pilates too!




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